
Unveiling the Future of Parkinson's Disease Clinical Trials


October 25, 2023

By Dimitri Theoharatos, Cary Murray, Rishabh Gupta, and Eric Tramel

We're proud to introduce the latest addition to our family of Digital Twin Generators (DTGs) in Parkinson's disease. Building on the successful releases of DTGs in Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington’s, and frontotemporal dementia, our comprehensive DTG suite now covers all major neurological diseases.

Across the globe, Parkinson's disease (PD) affects over an estimated 10 million lives. This neurodegenerative disorder erodes motor control, leading to symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia. While treatments like levodopa-carbidopa combinations and surgical interventions relieve symptoms, the quest for a definitive disease-modifying therapy is ongoing, and the exact cause remains enigmatic.

Achieving breakthroughs in PD treatment necessitates well-constructed clinical trials. However, these trials face a myriad of challenges that can result in slow enrollment of patients and underpowered analyses. Recent examples like Prasinezumab have shown how early trials can fail from high censoring rates (>30%) due to stringent inclusion criteria. The lack of strong biomarkers plus the slow progression of the disease makes powering PD trials difficult and has led to significant delays in the search for an effective disease-modifying therapy.

PD DTG 1.0 harnesses generative AI to forecast key endpoints frequently used in early PD clinical trials, as well as lab and vital measurements. Our European Medicines Agency-qualified method combining AI and novel statistical methods can be used to:

  • Increase trial power without increasing sample size
  • Accelerate timelines, enabling faster trials with smaller control groups while maintaining power

For more detailed information on this DTG, including training data, a full list of endpoints, and performance metrics, see our PD DTG 1.0 specification sheet on our website.

With the release of this DTG, we aim to spotlight the intricacies of PD and accelerate the next generation of therapeutic interventions. Our aspiration is not just technological advancement but, more importantly, a brighter future for every individual impacted by Parkinson's disease.

To explore how our PD DTG 1.0 can be integrated into your upcoming clinical trials or to learn more about our suite of DTG solutions, reach out to us.

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